The Leadership Series
In Spanish
Live, On-Site
Leadership Training
Each workshop is designed to be delivered in 3 hours.
After completion of 4 workshops, the participants will receive a Graduation Certificate.
Essential Leadership Skills for Supervisors
Learning Objectives:
Essential Leadership Behaviors
Dealing with Favoritism in the Workplace
Providing Employee Recognition
Trust in the Workplace
Effective Communication Skills
Learning Objectives:
Effective Communication Principles
The Impact of Body language and Voice Tone
Communicating Basic work Expectations
Communication Skills Exercises
Conflict Resolution Skills
Providing Constructive Feedback
Learning Objectives:
How is a conflict created?
Conflict and communication styles;
Recognizing the source of conflict; and
Resolving conflict constructively.
Learning Objectives:
Avoiding destructive and harmful criticism;
Attacking the problem, not the individual;
Using objective language to communicate unwanted behavior;
Using the Feedback Planner to improve behavior
Treating Your Team Members with Respect
Harassment - Bullying in the Workplace
Learning Objectives:
Establishing acceptable behaviors
Controlling gossip and judgmental behaviors
Building and Maintaining Civility in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence and Respect
Learning Objectives:
What is Harassment?
Identifying Various forms of Harassment
Speaking Up - Know your Rights
Reporting Sexual Harassment
Preventing Harassment in the Workplace